Hey, I’m Ben!

I’m a marketing and business consultant. I work with companies to help them develop strategies for their marketing, operations, and strategy initiatives. 

My goal is to make sure my clients know how they can grow their businesses by utilizing what they already have or understand about themselves. My expertise lies in the intersection of technology and creativity, which is why my clients see real results.

Benjamin Preston Headshot on Benjamin Preston's website

My Work

I work with individuals and organizations to better maximize their strengths and assets to make a meaningful impact. I have some resources available just for you!

Book Course

My Thoughts

When I look at the professional world, I see so many people succeeding, but failing to be happy. I bring together my thoughts on how to be objectively successful ANG happy. 

Blog YouTube

About Benjamin Preston

Benjamin Preston is a highly-skilled consultant and marketer. He has an MBA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, so he can offer insightful and practical advice to his clients. Benjamin specializes in digital marketing and marketing strategy.

As a consultant, Benjamin works with businesses to support initiatives in marketing, business strategy, and operations. His expertise includes PPC management, search engine optimization (SEO), lead generation strategies for all industries.

His experience ranges from running international campaigns to managing day-to-day social media efforts for small startups across industries like construction or automotive sales; but Ben has always had one constant: his ability to produce results.

He is the author of Harness Your Butterflies: The Young Professional’s Metamorphosis to an Exciting Career and has been featured on Ditch the Job, the Offer, Human Capital Innovations and Certifiably Unemployable for his strategic advice.

In addition to Benjamin Preston, LLC, Benjamin is the co-founder of the Hereditary Cancer Foundation. Committed to saving the lives of individuals with cancer-causing hereditary genetic mutations, The Hereditary Cancer is a community-centered organization working to educate and support families with hereditary cancer and the physicians that combat it.

Benjamin received an ELITE Entrepreneurship Award from PM360 Magazine and served as a mentor for the PRSSA chapter at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Born in Omaha, Nebraska, he now lives in Arlington, Virginia. Learn more at www.benjaminpreston.com