How to Get the Most Out of Your Remote Employees

Many businesses have been forced to shift into partial or total remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, that also means that many leaders are uncertain of how to get great results out of employees when they are not in the office to touch base with regularly. Beyond working with Benjamin Preston to identify areas for growth, here are some of the best ways to get the most out of your remote employees.

Be Clear With Your Expectations

One of the biggest issues that occurs when moving from in-person to remote work is confusion as to the expectations. How often should employees check in? Will they be expected to attend a meeting every week or day? Have their job duties changed at all? To get the most out of your remote employees, they have to fully understand their obligations and your expectations.

Stay Organized But Remain Flexible

When working with remote employees during stressful times like these, offering a little flexibility can boost employee productivity and show that you care. Flexible hours or scheduling could make things easier on your employees, but make sure that you stay organized and know when each of your employees is working. You can get the most out of your employees and they can still provide you with exceptional work. 

Communicate Clearly

Communication is critical to get the most out of your remote employees, and you should make sure that you are communicating clearly and regularly so that everyone knows current deadlines, changes to workflow, expectations and schedules. Depending on the preferences of your employees and existing infrastructure, you can communicate via phone calls, video chats, text chat, text messages, emails or something else entirely.

Don’t Micromanage

It can be very tempting to micromanage when you are unable to see your employees in person. How do you know that they are working when they say that they are? Are they using the right tools to get the job done? Resist the urge to look over their virtual shoulders while they are getting the job done. Check in with employees one-on-one and keep an eye on the products that they are putting out. If you notice something amiss, check in to see what’s going on and don’t assume that they are not working. To get the most out of your remote employees, you have to trust them.

Get the Most Out of Your Remote Employees with Help from Benjamin Preston

Benjamin Preston works with young professionals and anyone craving a fulfilling career path through coaching, training, career mapping and workshops. Benjamin believes that we all have the ability to live purposeful lives today, and that we don’t need to keep putting off the career and life that we have always dreamed of. To learn more about his services for business and individuals, visit his website here.

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