Category Archives: Professional Development

Signs Your Company is Going Under

high rise buildings

In the dynamic landscape of the business world, change is the only constant. However, not all changes signal growth or improvement. Sometimes, they hint at a troubling road ahead for the company. Identifying these signs early can empower you, as an employee, to make strategic career decisions and even contribute positively to turnaround efforts. Drawing […]

5 Career Mistakes You’re Probably Making

stressed black male entrepreneur working on laptop in park

You’re making some major mistakes that are preventing you from growing your career. Sometimes, the biggest obstacles are the ones we least expect – small mistakes that quietly limit our growth. It could be something weird you said to a coworker three weeks ago, or a typo in an important email. Whatever it is, these […]

A Survival Guide for When Coworkers Turn Hostile

man wearing brown suit jacket mocking on white telephone

One day you walk into your office, and you notice everyone suddenly gets quite. Your colleagues start avoiding you and don’t include you in important meetings or projects. You feel like an outcast, a target for negative comments and gossip. It’s not uncommon to face hostility at work, whether it’s from a single coworker or […]

7 Signs You’re Being Disrespected at Work

a woman flashing the finger

Imagine walking into your office, greeting your colleagues with a brisk, cheerful “Good morning!” only to be met with stony silence or nonchalant shrugs. Fast forward to a meeting where your contributions seem to vanish into thin air, unacknowledged, like whispers in a boisterous room. These are not just moments of awkwardness; they are telltale […]

Is Microsoft’s Copilot AI the Game-Changer It’s Supposed to Be?

glass panels exterior of the microsoft building

In the AI race, Microsoft entered the ring with an AI tool targeting working professionals with a new tool called Copilot AI. So, I tested out this AI generator for a month. While they do have a free version, I tried the Copilot Pro plan at $20/month. Would I suggest you try it out for […]

I Tried These 5 “Popular” Productivity Hacks. Here’s What Happened.


In the bustling world of professionals and entrepreneurs, productivity isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a lifestyle. We all strive for it, yet the path to achieving it often feels cluttered with countless strategies promising the secret formula. With a curious mind and an entrepreneurial spirit hungry for efficiency, I embarked on a quest to sift through […]

Is Your Job Security a Fantasy? Here’s the Truth.

man in white shirt using macbook pro

In the maze of modern professional life, where every turn can lead to an opportunity or a dead end, the concept of job security feels more like a fable, often recounted but rarely encountered. This tale has evolved over generations, with the landscape of work shifting from stable, lifelong employment to a dynamic environment where […]

The Science Behind High-Performing Teams

photo of people near wooden table

In the realm of productivity and collective achievement, the science behind high-performing teams is both fascinating and essential. It’s not just about gathering a group of talented individuals; it’s about fostering an environment where collaboration and innovation thrive. Unity, trust, and communication stand as the pillars that elevate a group from being just good to […]

Simple Strategies to Combat Ageism at Work

man sitting on chair beside table

In today’s fast-evolving workplace, the diverse tapestry of skills, experiences, and perspectives that professionals bring to the table is invaluable. Yet, one challenge persists across industries and countries—ageism. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting your career, it’s essential to be aware of this issue and equip yourself with strategies to combat ageism […]

How to Be a Good Employee at Work

happy black woman laughing on street

Navigating the professional world isn’t just about showing up; it’s about making a noticeable impact—a positive ripple that not only benefits your career trajectory but also enhances the workplace environment for everyone around you. Through a blend of personal anecdotes, client success stories, and actionable steps, I aim to guide you on how to elevate […]